Samstag, 3. November 2012

NaNo 2012

Which is in fact right now and had started 3 years ago.
This means I obviously should be writing instead of creating a blog and blogging about it and writing in it.
I still do it because I am ahead and I want to blog about NaNo.

I miss blogging about NaNo as I did in camp, though I won't do a daily blog this time. It got really hard and stressful after a while so I think more about doing it like once a week and the next post about NaNo will be either on thursday or on sunday, I don't know that yet.

My NaNo Novel is called "searching Santa" and all I knew when I started writing was that it is about a guy who is seaching Santa for his little sister and meets a lot of strange people.
It somehow morphed into something completly diffrent.
And yet it is still the same...

"Okay. This really happend, I promise you.
I guess you won't believe me but it really happend.
I have this guniea pig and well it is a normal guniea pig mostly.
It eat and drinks and sleeps and runs around in his cage and likes me and os there for me while I try to study but not really want to because studying is boring. And well I go this pig for free and food is not really expensive and everything so it it nor even hard to keep it and it lives on my desk.
Well usually it does, right now it does not because I am not at home and that for a couple of weeks and the poor thing would die if it would go for 3 weeks uncared for.
So right now it is with a friend of mine who is taking good care of him:
Only as long as she is careful because the guniea pig is really great and has superpowers.
He really has he is able to break out of all the cages and everything and I only notice it when it starts eathging my homework and he is also really clever and stong so he always gets to my homework and destroys it and that means I have to do it again,
I try to not let my homework stay on my desk anymore but when there is not anything on my desk the guniea pig starts searching for it and finds my candy which I really don't like because he starts eating them and then he gets sick and I have to go to the vet and I have to buy new candy and that is really not fun.
I am actually kind of tired and I know I don't even make sense anymore but I won't shut up until you talk to me or I only talk gibberish nonsense. But that will only stip me when it annoys me as well which it probably won't once I am tired enough to talk gibberish nonesense.
I have not mentioned the name of my guniea pig already, haven't I?
No I have not. you are still not answeing? Why is that? Oh come one! I want to talk to someone and they are all sooo old why don't you talk too me?
Okay. tricking you is not possible. sorry. Well annoying you will finally work, I am pretty sure of that.
What are you going to do about that? Oh glaring at me won't work you actually need to talk to me to make me stop.
I have forgotten to tell you that I wanted to tell you about the name of my guniea pig. I did not name it myself because I adopted it from a shelter which is why it probabyl won't live that long anymore.
Well it's name is Lysanda Chantal Cloe Princess of the cage and wonderpig, savour of the day, sun of the students."

Okay... This is with a really bad spelling and it is annoying. But I can't be bothered to fix it because I am really really stressed and not even supposed to do that.
And yes....
So I don't think it is that aweful if you ignore the spelling

Right now NaNo is fun and the plot actually still makes sense (well it is only 2 days old but well...)

Hope you all have fun and write productivly....
*vanishes with a poof and returns to her novel*

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