Well we have November 11th, sunday and it is week two of NaNo.
Yesterday I reached 25k and I have not written since then because I did not have time and when I had time I wasted it with the NaNotoons.
You should look them up (but if you are doing NaNo... In december... okay?)
Well now I work on the blogentry and on presents (yes... self made chrismaspresents need time...)
But I will write later.
As you can see on my wordcount I am noing rather well.
Also I am still excited about my story and love how it works out without having really planned anything.
My favourite main characters might become a couple today even though I can't write romance. well I can still cut it out in revision again. For now I want to write it so I write it.
But the next scene will be a weird dream sequence.
Got to go and try reach the daily goal and get the paper ready...
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