Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014


So it is almost November again and I am once again participating. This time I convinced two of my hostkids to join me and maybe one of the other au pairs.
While I am going to miss my German writing group I will check out the Boston writing group and hope that they will be slightly more productive but just as nice because this year I am busier than ever and I really need to get writing done when I am going to the meetups because there is no other way that I will win.

I am probably doing a rewrite of last years novel and this time I am actually plotting something so hopefully this second first draft will be slightly less of a train wreck than the first time was....

I will probably do some updates during november. -If I remember

Donnerstag, 7. November 2013

NaNo 2013

So... we are well into the first week of NaNoWriMo and I had not even opend this blog to create a post.
I think I forgot... or maybe I was just too lazy.

I am nearly at 24k now and ... I really like my story... but I still have not figured out my plot and get stuck a lot.
Not to mention the fact that I have test/exams which means that I have to take time off from writing to do that.
I need to do other things do. I wish I could just put my live and the changes and plans that come up and are super scary and slightly stressful on hold.
I want to write. I need a month full of telling stories and doing something I love but which I forget about a lot when things get stressful.
I also need to study and fill out forms and shedule an interview. I want to talk to people even if that is not always easy.

I guess I wrote kind of a lot on the first 3 days (the first 20k actually) and not really much for the next four... but I don't yet have a day where I have not written anything at all and that in spite of tests. So that is great.

Now I will go and write and then go to bed early...

Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013

Camp Nano 3rd of July

This month is weird.
I love my story. I am excited for my story, writing is fun.

I am not writing unless I force myself.
It was probably because I had school on the first, I am not used to having to go to school on the first day on NaNo... really.
Usually I am on break or the first is a holiday.
Or it is because the last week of school leaves me feeling bored and without motivation at all.
Only two more days of school and today was the first decent day of writing (that is until I rediscovered the joy of Nano songs....)
Anyway. I will probably end this post here and ... go writing?
I guess.

I am really tired from doing nothing at all.
Excepts will be shared sometime this month, probably in one big post because I am lazy and could procrastinate on sharing them until the 31st in that case.

Montag, 8. April 2013

Drake and Josh

Okay. I have done something kind of stupid with my characters.
I named them. I did not think twice about naming them and only when I was already stuck with their names I noticed:

I have a pair of brothers, even though only one of them is the main character.
His name is Joshua but everyone only calls him Josh.

Now I gave him a big brother... who is off to college and does not appear very often.
But when he appeared he needed a name and I named him Drake.

Now everytime they interact I have to write Drake and Josh in the same sentence.

The problem with that is the old nickelodeon show "Drake and Josh" even though my Drake and Josh are nothing like the Drake and Josh in the series (well except they are brothers as well...) and don't even look like them in my head I keep worrying that someone will confuse them.

How I am going to solve that?
I don't know yet but it can wait until revision.

Nearly completly unrelated to that: I am probably going to hit 28k today... or not when I come home way to late.
I will get 27k though and I will try a half an hour wordwar sometime this evening.

Sonntag, 7. April 2013

Excerpt 7.4.13

Everyone sat in front of her, looking very tired.
She did not feel tired at all anymore. She took another sip of coffee nonetheless.
Then she snapped the stick against the blackboard.
The sound made everyone flinch and all eyes snapped towards her immediately.
Very good.
“They are probably together right now, figuring out, how they can work together and when they should tell who”
She pointed at the first picture. It was of two stick figures sitting on a bed.
“We are sitting in my kitchen, talking about them” she pointed at the second small picture which seemed to represent the kitchen they sat in. Every single one of them was on the picture, represented by a stick figure.
“We know what they are doing, but we won’t tell them”
The stick moved towards the next picture. It was a crossed out speech bubble.
“What we will do though it watching them” She pointed at the eyes she had drawn. “When there should be problems we will meet again and discuss what exactly we have to do”
There was an arrow leading down from the eyes, back to the picture with the kitchen. She pointed at it, then she moved her stick back towards the eye.
“If everything goes well we will wait for them to tell us” She moved the stick along another arrow to a picture of a clock.
“If they have not told us at the end of next month even though they continue to look happy we will confront them.”
She moved the stick to the last picture.
There were two speech bubbles,  one with a question mark in it, and one with an exclamation mark.
“Any questions?”
The others shook their heads. Satisfied she took another sip of her coffee, which had cooled down quite a bit.
All would turn out well, she was sure of it.

Dienstag, 2. April 2013


Okay it has been a while and now it is another Nano and it is day to and I actually wrote something I quite like even if it has nothing to do with the plot and it has only a little bit to do with my character but I like it.

Alex did not like making decisions. Until he had made a decision he was constantly worrying that it could be the wrong won and that everything would go horrible and that he would die because of that or that he could lose someone who he cared about even if that was really really far fetched and not likely at all.
Like the decision if he was going to make himself potatoes or noodles would not decide if he would get a job in the future or if he was going to get sick or get someone to be mad with him and losing that person as a friend as the result but the evening before he actually had found himself discussing his dinner choices with himself, considering the possibility that he could accidently eat the thing his mom wanted to make for dinner the next day so he would have to go to the shop and get iot again.
Because of that he then could possibly maybe forget that he was supposed to meet someone to go through their math coursework and study together so that person would get mad with him and stop talking to him and then he would be confused and that could maybe result in that giant fight that would end nearly all of his friendships and would leave him all alone having to eat lunch at the always empty disgusting table in the far back of the cafeteria which would result in him skipping lunch and being hungry and therefore not at all concentrated in his afternoon classes which would make him fail those classes which would make his parents angry and stress him further so he would also fail his math class and his literature class and all of his classes and then he would not go to college and work in the café all of his life, only that he would probably be really bad at his job so he would lose the job too and he would live with his parents forever.
In the end he had called Joshua and asked him what he should have for dinner which had resulted in Joshua inviting himself for dinner as their parents were all gone (though not together because if they had left together Josh had come over directly after school and would not even have bothered going home).

I really hope the grammar is not too horrible I am tired and I have no idea.
So... that is all for now. Maybe I will actually blog again.

Sonntag, 11. November 2012

NaNo 12. Second week

Well we have November 11th, sunday and it is week two of NaNo.

Yesterday I reached 25k and I have not written since then because I did not have time and when I had time I wasted it with the NaNotoons.
You should look them up (but if you are doing NaNo... In december... okay?)

Well now I work on the blogentry and on presents (yes... self made chrismaspresents need time...)
But I will write later.

As you can see on my wordcount I am noing rather well.
Also I am still excited about my story and love how it works out without having really planned anything.
My favourite main characters might become a couple today even though I can't write romance. well I can still cut it out in revision again. For now I want to write it so I write it.
But the next scene will be a weird dream sequence.
Got to go and try reach the daily goal and get the paper ready...